Case No. 2023-CH-000053 in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, Dupage County, Illinois

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If you scanned or otherwise used your finger (or any portion thereof) or any other biometric identifier or information to enroll in or clock into or out of C Studio Manufacturing, LLC’s timekeeping system in the state of Illinois at any time from March 9, 2018 through the November 6, 2023, you may be entitled to a cash payment from a proposed class action settlement.

Your legal rights are affected whether you act or do not act.Please read this notice carefully.

Your Legal Rights and Options in this Settlement

Submit a Claim Form

If you scanned or otherwise used your finger (or any portion thereof) or any other biometric identifier or information to enroll in or clock into or out of C Studio Manufacturing, LLC’s timekeeping system in the state of Illinois at any time from March 9, 2018 through the November 6, 2023, the only way to get a payment is to submit a Claim Form.  Claim Forms must be submitted online or postmarked by February 5, 2024.

Exclude Yourself
(Opt Out)

Get no cash payment.  This is the only option that allows you to ever be part of any other lawsuit against C Studio Manufacturing, LLC about the legal claims in this case.  Requests for Exclusion must be postmarked by February 20, 2024.

Object or Comment

Write to the Court about why you do not like the Settlement.  The deadline to file and serve an objection is February 20, 2024.

Go to a Hearing

Ask to speak in Court about why you do not support the proposed Settlement or any of its provisions.  The Final Approval Hearing will be held on March 21, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. CST.

Do Nothing Now

Doing nothing now means you will get no monetary benefits from the Settlement.

If you do nothing, you give up rights to submit a Claim Form for monetary benefits or to bring a lawsuit against C Studio Manufacturing, LLC and related entities arising from or relating to the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”), biometric data, biometric information, or biometric identifiers.


These rights and options -- and the deadlines to exercise them -- are explained in this Notice.
The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement.Payments will be made under the Settlement Agreement if the Court approves the Settlement and after appeals are resolved.Please be patient.